Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I Am That I AM

We are our own Prophets

We are our own Saviours

We write our own Commandments

We become our own Creators

God is within

We are God, and in God

God loves each of us so much,
there is only "I"

We are One

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Process of Elimination

Sometimes humans have emotional indigestion. This has to be processed.

How does one become a Light unto the Children of Men? Is it by studying diligently? Is it by being good?
I say to you that mortals can live outside the benefit of human law and be good. The Unfettered Ones are those freed from responsibility to pursue their visions.

Indeed, the prickly aspect of one's human nature is in constant struggle with the profound side. It may take most of a human's life for one to catch up to the other.

It is a noble battle, but one must constantly remember that nothing which is essentially human shall be foreign to you.

And how does one embrace the freedom of the Unfettered Ones?

It is imperative to know Self, to understand what binds one's soul and shackles one's spirit - and to name it, because in naming a thing one assumes a power over it.

Instead of suppressing or indulging negative aspects of Self, they must be accepted, even embraced, with humility and gratitude. Shackles fall when one can observe them in the light of Truth and love them.

One cannot fancy oneself as an entity separate from the sinner, because he is I.

By feeling separate from something, one creates a binding energy and, like being in quicksand, the more one struggles to free oneself from it, the more voraciously it clings.

One wastes energy in an objective battle to overcome inner urges.

The Master detaches himself from the conflict, thus eliminating the urge.

One has an eliminative process in one's physical body. Likewise, one has an eliminative process in one's consciousness. For good physical health, one needs a working system of elimination. And so it is for the health of consciousness. Elimination - release - must occur or one will suffer constipation of the spirit.

Sometimes energies accumulate around incidents in one's life causing a consciousness blockage, or emotional indigestion. Fear, hate, and revenge cause resistance and tension of consciousness, and the organism shuts off elimination.

Love, tenderness, and fearlessness seem to be dominant characteristics in elimination. Love softens, releases. It balances.

Eliminate guilt, hate, grudges, and past hurts.

One has an image, an ideal of who one wants to be. So one must have an alignment of consciousness working to bring these aspects into harmony.

How does one become a Light unto the Children of Men?

By loving them, unconditionally. But first, one must love self - all aspects of self - unconditionally.

The Dark Night of the Soul

Humans and The Dark Night of the Soul

A human is a marriage of essences. Let us consider RA, the sun. Within us radiates an eternal, ever-living essence, called BA, the soul. How like RA, the sun, it is.
Consider, too, KA, or The Shadow, the Higher Self. KA is a reflection of the soul. It speaks from within in a worthy voice, sometimes manifesting as conscience, intuition, the judge of one's acts.

One's body is The Temple for BA - the soul - and KA - the Higher Self. The body (Khet) and the Power (Sekhem) can be replenished by BA and KA. One's Sekhem, one's physical power, can be rejuvenated.

One must bring all one's faculties and the whole organism into harmony with Soul and Higher Self.

Physical and mental powers are then intensified.

Sometime during one's life, one will experience the Dark Night of the Soul, usually at 35 or 47.

During this time, the soul craves deeply for more and this hunger floods through one's being.

One is restless, dissatisfied, self-critical, inefficient. One looks deeply inside and usually dislikes what one sees.

One is forced to consider the question, "What does life mean to me?"

Finding an answer to this plunges one into the Golden Dawn of Enlightenment, as the outer self of will is resigned to the dictates of the inner self, the divine essence of being.

The inner self must transcend the objective state to bring illumination, and doubt's shadow will be removed as we enter the Golden Dawn.

Realization of One's Godhood

Realization of One's Godhood!

We must enliven the consciousness of our souls. We must recall experiences through which our soul personalities passed in the early stages of its evolution. We must step into recollection.

Man is a duality - an inner subjective self, and an outer objective self. The Inner Self is in full communication with other inner masters and minds, with the Master Minds of the Universe, the Higher Plane and the Cosmic. Attunement has to occur between the objective Outer Self and the Inner Self.

The Outer Self needs only to communicate, to express, to seek, pray, and the Inner Self will provide.

Man can reach unity with the Cosmic.

The Inner Self is the Mind Soul of the Cosmic.

The goal of all mystical thought is to know God and to have unity with the Cosmic. And I say to you that true, absolute knowledge ofone's Godhood is not by faith, nor by hope. It is through certitude; indeed, a certitude arrived at AFTER the Inner Self has experienced - as a sensation - the Divine Touch.

Meditate upon this.

KNIGHTHOOD, or "Who is Gallant?"


It is as evil to submit to slavery as to be a slave master.
Only with experience as a person living in a world of people will you come to know what you are to lead mankind from. The world you wish to create is a desperate relief from what it is now.

All religions are lost in error, but they can inspire faith, and have brought Christ Consciousness into western civilization.

The hypocrisy of Christian leaders and their flocks is monstrous. But it is better to suffer Churches than to abandon the world.

Religions can shackle the spirit.

One must understand the atmosphere in which the spirit of Christ struggles.

In being offered KNIGHTHOOD, or Kn-I-ghthood, you take your chances, or run away.

In running you may embrace a peaceful, trial-free life. You'll also be impotent. Still, it's your cho-I-ce.

Could this be the test of self-sufficiency? When problems arise, do you turn inward for solutions, or do you hand your power completely over to others? (For example, doctors often try to cure problems, whether they understand them or not. They are of little use spiritually.)

Do you tap inner strength, or do you expect others to take care of you? Do you enjoy being a victim? Only you can answer that.

In pondering this, you don't have time for the ecstacy of humiliation, nor of arrogance, nor for whimperings of self-pity. All will leave you with your psychic defences down.

If you request Knighthood, you request battles.

Knighthood is not for the faint of heart, but offers are seldom made to runners.

And remember, choosing Knighthood is like signing a blank check -- you'll never know the price you'll have to pay. Sometimes one has to write said check with one's own blood.

At present, while in experiential poverty, you may not understand. Eventually a Knight is purified into sustained conviction. His life - his very soul - may depend on the certitude of his convictions.

Still, at the end of the day, you always have cho-I-ce.

As you think, so you are. As you BE-lieve, so you BE.

Embrace each new moment, writing your own Never Ending Story, through eternity, creating forever your own real-I-ty in the eternal now. You have the potential for potency.

Consider the following words from Nelson Mandala's 1994 Inaug-U-R-al speech [taken from a book called "A Return to Love" by Marianne Williamson]

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Weask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, georgous, talented, and fabulous? Actaully, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Remember: The Blessed Virgin within you has given (or will give) birth to the Christ Consciousness, which was Immaculately Conceived (or will be conceived) at the time of your initiation into the Mysteries. May the Three Mothers of Incorruptibility, Aspiration, and Renunciation bear witness to the most Holy Event of your cho-I-ce.

The Voice of the Other

The material of the Ci'RA Files was given to the URth-ling by a foci of consciousness, in independent existance, other than self.